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Steve Peek

author : Steve Peek

\nFirst cousins, Steve and Pat Conroy's families often shared their grandmother's big house in Atlanta. Both wanted to be writers. Pat became a literary lion by the time he was thirty. Steve began writing semi-seriously in the 1980's. Now, for better or for worse, he writes full time. \nSteve traveled extensively and explored histories and myths of peoples and places all over the world. He loves all things ancient, mysterious and digs deep into lore and enigmas for his subjects.\nDifficult to classify his books, they are always reviewed as unique and fresh storylines with believable characters. Often, he can't help sprinkling a touch of humor in an otherwise serious scene.\nHis books on Amazon include:\nW-G-O-D: In your Dreams, All night, Every Night\nThe Island Builders\nYour Money or Your Mustard\nLongclaws\nAlien Agenda\nCoyote Dreaming\nOtherworld\nThe Game Inventors Handbook\nMillion Dollar Monster (Short Story)\nThe Sword of the Stone (Short Story)\nGlobal Warning (Short Story)\nNew Roads (Short Story)\nThe Sword of the Flame (Short Story)\nOne Day Sale (Short Story)\nHe loves animals, especially birds and loves to sit and watch them at the feeders when his dogs allow it.\nHe appreciates the magic of life and the interconnection of all things. \nHe would like to hear from you via steve peek author on facebook or

Steve Peek Book Series